What's all this all fuss about Sex and the City?
Last night over dinner at a close friend place, conversation was rather unstructured owing to the fact that there was 4 screaming girls okay 3 screaming and one quiet, , a irate advertising cursing her own boss type girl, a quiet interior designer,the calm corporate communications girl who incidentally had cooked dinner, her stunned into silence boyfriend at who's place the gala event was and of course me who had as usual been hit by a ton of work as I was holding my little black purse and trying to leave work. So here were representative of the standard youth age group ( exact figures I refuse to divulge), making what would be considered decent money in some countries like maybe Nepal having some rice, dal and paneer when the conversation moved to Sex and the City. The show that men watch for the sex scenes and woman for the clothes and the belief that one day we'll be cool enough to carry off some of the outrageous dialogue's from the serial. So today, I wonder what is it about this serial that makes us talk about it over dinner? Is it the clothes? Is it the dialogues? Is it the lifestyle potrayed? Is it the fact that at the end of it all the story is just about four women looking to find someone who loves them and they love? Well , honestly ... Do we really care? Not I think but really kudos to the script writers who've have I think have been scarred in love to actually write things like "I'm thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it." or when Samatha( for the uninitiated, she's the slut in the show or atleast the one who has all the sex) says " I'll wear what I want and I'll blow who I want as long as I can breathe and kneel". Owing to the fact that I started writing this with the intention of making an analysis about the show ..Turns out I have none ...So this is just me droning on about nothing ..Maybe I should write about Seinfeld!