Is God a man or a woman?
Well here I am again and this time to pondering over more profound and life altering questions than ever. Remember all those countless arguments about whether God is a man or woman? Well, depending on what sex you belong to, you always believe God has to the other . However, personally I believe God can possilbly only be a MAN? Why you ask.... Well for starters women got babies, waxing, eyebrow plucking, having to be thin, having to have great hair at any point of time even when you wake up, never have any normal body reactions like burp or fart in public (which incidentally is considered merely funny when a man does it), be a great conversationalist while having a smoking hot body and yet be simple enough to be the girl most guys want to take home to their mother( alteast that's what they all seem to want) and of course endure four days in a month, every month from the time you 13 to the time you're 60 when not only will it convince you that not just is god a man, he is also has to be bit of sadist.